Friday, January 13, 2012

Snow on the Branches

This is what's happening outside our window. 
A nice day to not have to drive anywhere.


  1. People were talking about possible snow tomorrow over here, and now I have proof that Canada is responsible for all the snow storms we have.

  2. Yeah, we export this stuff for free when we have it. This is the the first real storm of the season for us. Usually we get them a few weeks earlier. What part of the world are you living in?

  3. By my calculations you posted this at Precisely the same time I shifted into third on the 148 - with the wipers battling the accumulation of ice on the windshield. It Would have been a nice day to not have to drive anywhere!

  4. That was crazy weather to be out driving on the 148. I had to go out yesterday and it was no picnic…and I wasn't on a highway! yikes!

  5. I'm in NY. Long Island. Didn't get the snow though.

  6. Too bad I can't e-mail you some snow. We've got loads!
